Not Pregnant Spotting

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Spotting before a period. Spotting is any light vaginal bleeding which occurs at any time other than when a period is due. Spotting between periods is reasonably common.

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Spotting before your period – what does it mean? Your period is not due for at least another week but you have found a little discharge..

Ovulation Spotting: Light Bleeding Associated with High Fertility and the Rupture of the Ovarian Follicle

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E very woman expects to bleed during her period, but what if you’re seeing a little blood in the middle of your cycle or days before your period?Is there something wrong?

Read about 10 reasons for spotting and more. The timing of spotting is important also. Below are suggestions of possibilities but the list is not exhaustive:

You may have spotting. Maybe you had pregnancy symptoms, but they’ve disappeared. What does it all mean? The experience of feeling pregnant …

There are many situations that lead women to ask the question, “Am I pregnant?” The following questions are some of the most frequently asked questions that the APA receives regarding early pregnancy issues. Can I be pregnant and still have a period? Pregnant women can have some light

Belly at 10 Weeks Pregnant. Though only 2.5 months have passed after fertilization, your belly is still not noticed by the people around you. It may become bigger because of the fermentation of gases or bloating.

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Here are the most common causes of bleeding or spotting after your period has ended. Including when you must see a doctor.

Spotting during pregnancy is a common concern that may be experienced at any point during a pregnancy. Learn more about spotting while pregnant.

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